Accreditation Process for the Academic Programs of Technology, Engineering and Master’s of the School of Food Engineering

The School of Food Engineering is undergoing the due process to receive the Acreditación de Alta Calidad (In english, High Quality Accreditation) before the National Accreditation Council-CNA, for its academic programs of Food Technology, Food Engineering and Master’s in Food Engineering.

These processes, carried out by the School, correspond to the guidelines that the National Accreditation Council-CNA proposes, based on the evaluation of a set of factors of analysis, criteria and characteristics of quality, and indicators, in which students, teachers, research aspect, academic processes and graduates are taken into account.

For undergraduate programs, this process is developed as follows:

  1. Self-assessment, which consists of the study carried out by academic institutions or programs, based on the criteria, characteristics, and aspects defined by the CNA. The institution should take the lead in this process and encourage great participation from the academic community in it.
  2. The External Evaluation or ‘Peer Review’, which uses the self-assessment as a starting point, verifies its results, identifies the internal operating conditions of the institution or the programs and concludes by judging quality.
  3. The final evaluation carried out by the CNA based on the results of the self-evaluation and the external evaluation.
  4. The public recognition of high quality is done through the accreditation act that the Minister of Education issues based on the technical concept of the CNA.
In turn, the accreditation process of postgraduate programs, this case being the Master’s degree of Science in Food Engineering, maintains the same components as the accreditation processes of undergraduate programs.

Six months ago, the accreditation committee in charge requested the Government, through the DACA (Direction of Self-Assessment and Academic Quality), to begin the accreditation process of the Master's Degree in Food Engineering.

Currently, the School is conducting surveys and collecting statistical data and documentary information to draw conclusions and feed the final document of each one of the programs in the process of accreditation, which will then be sent to the DACA for any relevant corrections. After correcting the document, it will be sent to the Ministry of Education to authorize the visit of academic peers.

The accreditation committee, headed by Professor Claudia Isabel Ochoa, Graduate Coordinator of the School of Food Engineering, explained that in the case of high quality accreditation for the Master's in Food Engineering, "the objective of the process is to achieve the highest accreditation of high quality granted by the Ministry of National Education, referring to up to 10 years. "

"There are different times of accreditation. When the document reaches the Ministry, it assigns academic peers from other universities who come to evaluate the program. After the visits, the peers pass a report with a grade, and according to this, the Ministry decides how much time should the accreditation get," says Professor Claudia Ochoa.

Therefore, an invitation is extended to the entire university community, especially the actors involved in this process, such as teachers, students, graduates and officials of the School of Food Engineering.

Further information:

School of Food Engineering
Universidad del Valle
Phone number: (057 2) 3212100 Ext. 2392/2277/2115
